Wisdom from a Wild Child: Part 1

By Louie Garramone

I believe we are all born a little wild.

Since the dawn of man, we’ve explored the world, traversed mountains, sailed seas, and crossed treacherous rivers and streams to find new places. In ancient times, children had to be wild. They were hunters, explorers, wanderers, travelers from birth.

Now, in the modern age, our kids are sat in front of televisions, tablets, phones and computers. They play games online. They know more “facts” than we ever will. They text each other at a young age. They sit, they watch, they become stagnant.

I grew up fishing, hiking, biking and exploring every inch of my neighborhood I could. I fell in the mud, built snow caves, and swam in the rivers. My first cell phone was a flip phone when I was sixteen. My six-year-old niece already has a tablet and a cell phone.

So here I am today, wondering how we can keep kids “wild.” Where are the kids who love to go to the mountains? Who are the influential kids paving the way—with help from their parents and teachers—for other kids to love the outdoors? How do they share their experience?

Well, I decided to find out.

I asked 18 kids (with permission from their parents) why they love adventuring with or without their moms and dads. This is the first in a series of blog posts where I’ll be sharing their answers. Enjoy – and if your wild child has their own story to share, send it (along with a photo if possible) to: [email protected]

“Adventuring with my mom is so beautiful. We hear the sounds of nature and it’s inspiring. Later, when I look at my photos it reminds me of that time with family and it feels like home.”

—Jiselle, age 9

(Mom’s) Instagram: @goldengirl8733

“I like to see the world and touch plants. I feel free when I’m outside!”

—Gretchen, age 7

(Mom’s) Instagram: @goldengirl8733

“I just love getting to spend mommy-daughter time, and I feel like a scientist when (I’m) watching nature.”

—Jayde, age 7

“I love being outside and watching the animals in their habitats.”

—Zoey, age 5

“We go on walks and see good things.”

—Story, age 3

“Sawyer, age 2, says,

‘It’s bee-yoo-tiful mom. Can we go outside, can we, can we?!’

When skiing with dada she says, ‘Go faster daddy, that tickles my belly’

When fishing she says, ‘Let’s catch a big one’

At Tinkergarten she loves going on bear hunts and recites the Going on Bear Hunt Book. ‘Going on a bear hunt, gonna catch a big one. What a beautiful day!’ ”

—Brooke and Patrick, Sawyer’s Parents