Family Road Trip Hacks
Part 3: Feed the Beast
By: Morgan
There is nothing worse than having a hangry toddler in your back seat with miles left to go until you reach your destination. This may seem like a gimme, but I can’t stress it enough; make sure you have a sufficient amount of snacks and water! Prepare snacks and drinks ahead of time, as it can be difficult to find non-gmo, healthy options while on a road trip. Not only will food prep save money, but it always saves time . . . plus no one wants to eat an old soggy apple from the gas station.
We all know how indecisive our kids are when it comes to knowing what they want to snack on, which is why the bead box or tackle box is going to change your snack game. Fill it up with the following, and let the adventure begin:
- Cut-up carrots
- Berries (Raspberries can be a little messy, I wouldn’t use them. Blueberries work best.)
- Granola
- Bell peppers
- Pretzels
- Raisins
- Nuts (cashews, pistachios, walnuts . . .)
- Dried fruit
- Cereal